31 August 2005

need to get the rulebook...


one good thing about painting at work/working and painting at the same time/painting and working non stop: no time for yosi.

slayer helljack

time: about 12 hours. =p

30 August 2005

i never thought id say this but

epic deneghra is uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugly!

sure she got sliced in two (more?) pieces, but ... ugh.

black eyes

looking at the first post, maybe i shouldnt have posted that close up of denny's head. i never paint the eyes of a human face, preferring to leave it in shadow. its ok when youre looking at the fig, but in a close up pic like that, its uuuuuugly.


slayer helljack. and ghost walking deneghra. =p
yes thats gloss varnish. will apply dullcoat on it tomorrow.