30 September 2005


that bastard! errr...

he betrayed asphyxious!!!!!!!!!111oneone!

still like the fig tho.
will be painting the deathwalker after this post

23 September 2005

raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr! raaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr!!!!!! deneghra wip!

deneghra work in progress

ok. this morning i decided not to let yesterday's turkey massacre stop me from hacking my other deneghra fig to make my conversion.

i just have to be very carefull when cutting so that ill only have minimal putty work.

so far ive repositioned her arm by cutting at the elbows then joining the two pieces with a small peice of bent paper clip. the hand ive also reposed so that she looks like she's gathering focus for a spell. im still not sure if i would add a floating skull, burning with green fire (a soul from the soul cage) or some runes painted in laminating plastic, circling her hand.

next up ill repose the spear arm so that she'll look like shes using sliver to direct her spell. i will be replacing the spearhead with the one the alternate bug eyed deneghra has. ill also be using the witchbarbs from the alternate fig.

i also plan to make her skin a bit more pale than the last one and ...thinner lips. :P

need to order the alternate fig asap!


+/- hour later...

22 September 2005

modelling update

after a disastrous attempt to convert a defiler to a nightwretch, the poor little turkey now sits in the bits box waiting for other jacks in need of spare parts.

because of that harrowing experience, i will be getting the epic deneghra fig and, ugly as she is, use it. that and the fact that the conversion im planning to make my own epic denny requires a lot of hacking and putty work.

also finished the "araykoputanginaanoyun?!?!?" deathripper turkey. i posed it like its running but after looking at it, it looks like it tripped. i was going to put a stone by it toe but decided against it. cryx are the evil dragon worshipping undead bastards of the iron kingdoms not comic relief.

next purchase will be a box of bane thralls. or the apotheosis book if its already at pitshop next week.


been reading and re reading prime for a couple of days now. found out that ive boon doing a lot of things wrong.

1st thing a model does when activated is to move. then it does the combat actions. it can jump straight to its combat action but will be unable to move after (but gets +2 aiming bonus for shooting attacks) wherever i got "do anything in any order" i dont know.

a model cant fire its ranged weapons in melee.

a warcaster also fallows the above rule but can cast spells anytime during their activation.

a model in high ground can target anything even if there are intervening models.

oh well. thats the reason for playing beta games: to familiarize oneself with the rules. its nice being on the same level as everyone else.

i remember the first time i played warhammer with other club members. jam cup megamall. sheeeeeeit. conceded twice and ive hated shooty-magicky elves and shooty dwarves ever since. ive hated fantasy dwarves since the days i played dungeons and dragons back in high school but in warhammer theyre worse. i got one win but it was from a fellow newbie who was even newer than me. i was even telling him what his units did. in ENGLISH!!! dang foreigners. if youre living here, learn filipino!!!!!

hey emp, newsflash, youre typing in english
typing, speaking. 2 entirely different things.


will be bringing prime back home later to reread the rules section for the nth time.

and monstrous creatures only get S+d6 AP for shooting. heheheheheheheheh.

reaper (of DOOOOM!!!) finished

hell driver of doom!!!!!!

tusks of doooooom!!!!!!!

harpoon of d... nah... RAT4...

20 September 2005

pwet! noobie booboo

ok seems that what i did to mang wasnt allowed. in the new color stat cards, it says that models dragged by the reaper's harpoon wouldnt provoke back strikes. back strikes only available if the opponent voluntarily moves away from combat like what the reaper did so it can harpoon stryker.

oh well.


anyway... now taht i think about it, it would hve been better if i had just engaged the reaper with stryker. it had 3 focus and was in strykers back ark so it had +2 to hit. boost 1st hit and 2 auto hits after (helldriver sustained attack).

anyway, stryker would have been reduced to paste either way.

18 September 2005

playtest #1.5 & 2

had a game with mang's cygnar.

i won. cant remember much details other than i was on edge the whole game. bonejacks were falling left and right and i had a hard time seeding focus and casting spells. 7 jacks for one caster is stupid. but i only have jacks.
yes im stupid most of the time. so? suck my balls. i like the cryx jacks.
i still won because i killed stryker. i had deneghra cast crippling grasp on stryker then popped her feat then charged him. after she hit him the guy was down to -7 def and -4 arm. then i moved the reaper out of combat with a light jack, taking a chance that the free strike won hurt it. it didnt and i moved it close to stryker and harpooned it. denny then finished him with a free strike at (since he moved away) -4def, -4 arm adn +2 to hit

mission objectives are always secondary for me. after only 3 games, im a warcaster kill junkie.

lessons learned: i think ill never play cygnar. i want to try khador and menoth but not cygnar for the same reason why i dont want to play marines in 40k. thyre the best at everything. so screw them.
and i hate their shooting.

after that, i had a rematch game with jacob's khador. the devastator killed off its own warcaster with its rain of death (sorscha was w/in 3" of it).

lesson learned: you still roll to hit models who are touched by the spray template.
models who are in an AOE but arent the target only get half damage.

playtest status:
3 wins
0 draw
0 loss
gazillion++ mistakes made
2 rules clarified
i hate cygnar

16 September 2005

warmachine playtest 1

i think ill be playing warmachine more often than warhammer now.

fast and furious. or it would have been if we hadnt been asking questions all the time. were all newbies anyway...

jacob's khador:
5 widowmakers w/kapitan
3 greylords
3 heavy warjacks (kodiak, berserker and devastator i think)

my cryx
2 slayers
3 deathripper
2 defilers proxying as nightwretches

as usual, i lost the dice off for deployment/1st turn. and also as usual, i didnt know what to do at deployment. just for the heck of it i deployed behind a hill with the turkey jacks up front and denny and the slayers behind.

i planned to get a turkey close to the widowmakers and cast dark seduction on them and shoot the heck out of sorscha. things didnt go as planned and next turn i cast dark seduction on the grey lords and chraged sorscha. 10 pts of damage. not bad.

having the memory span of a goldfish, i cant remember all the details so ill jsut write the things i do remember.

a turkey slammed one of the khador jacks. -4 to hit is baaaaaaaaaad. nothing happened since i only gave it 1 focus point (to slam). lesson learned. deathripper cant do anything to the jack but seeing jacob worried for a couple of seconds when i said id get a free hit if the jack moved away was priceless.

jacob killed off 2 of his darkly seduced greylords. when it was my turn, i didnt pay the upkeep, releasing them, now planning to channel dark seduction at the unit of widowmakers thru a heavily-damaged-but-still-no-disabled-system nightwretch.

wait, the nightwretch's head was disabled. boo hoo. the arcnode was damaged but still functioning. huzzah!

hey i used "huzzah!"

jacob was able to charge my 2 slayers with the devastator but since he only allocated 1 focus, he wasnt able to use the rain of death. he attacked normally but was unable to damage the slayer he targeted (not much anyway). then just when i was planning to crippling grasp+wither+poke the devastator with sliver (thats -7 defense and -4 armor to the devastator) +combo attack with each slayer, jacob conceded. he had to go to makati.

bitin pare! wowwwwwwwwww!

i demand a rematch!!!!!!!

warmachine: PRIMED. wahahaahahahahaha!!!!

burned slayer helljack and turkey jacks.

15 September 2005

deneghra's turkey farm

gobble gobble gobble gobble

2 slayers
4 deathrippers
2 defiler

still need two nightwretches.

14 September 2005

playtest list

Deneghra's Battlegroup
Warwitch Deneghra
Slayer Helljack
2 Defiler Bonejacks
2 Deathripper Bonejacks

2 Pistol Wraiths
1 Bile Thrall unit
Machine Wraith

496 pts


Deneghra's Battlegroup
2 Slayer Helljacks
Defiler Bonejack
Nightwretch Bonejack
3 Deathripper Bonejacks
499 pts


12 September 2005


got escalation!!!!!!!!

apotheosis nalang


i can finally redo the cryxian runes on my slayer. they were just doodles anyway so never posted any pics...
will also paint runes on the turkey jacks

*update 13/9/05*
or not. damn runes are hard to paint.
maybe just some words using the cryx font i downloaded then...

09 September 2005

got prime

finally got the 1st rulebook. will try to get escalation next week.

escalation or a box of bane thralls...


04 September 2005

hay nakoooooo....

i just hate those friggin blog spammers.

putang ina nyo lahat. ok? putang ino nyoooooooooooo!!!!!!

02 September 2005

finished turkeys

defiler bonejack

deathripper bonejacks.

thats it. 1 week, 1 box. im trying something new when i get a menoth box.
oh and please forgive me for all the noise in the pic. didnt notice the camera was at 400iso. usually take pics at 200.