13 May 2012

painting updates + some reminiscing

i just did the math and found out that ive been in wargaming for eleven years. i remember buying my warhammer fantasy battles started box (empire vs orcs) in neutral grounds in galleria before watching the first part of the lord of the rings. that was december 2001 and ive gone through 10 armies, 3 systems and countless times my fingers have been cut, drilled and glued together. nice.


finished the girls of dick's witch coven of garlghast and moving on to the egregore. this is the third time (i think) that im painting these models and while i find that the witches have gotten easier, their disco ball is still a pain in the ass to paint. i still have no shortcut for the glowing green surface under the plates.

on the skorne front, ive given my epic morghoul, mordikaar and molik karn a simple green bath. tyrant xerxis' reds have been started with a basecoat of vmc carmine red. not unexpectedly, i dropped the model and the arms pooped off! i would have been royally pissed at my clumsiness had i not seen that the sides were now more exposed thus making painting those areas easier to paint.

on the gaming side, i havent been able to play as much as id like as most the weekends of may have been fully booked by anniversaries and family trips. bad timing since the bunker will be closing its doors by the end of may. hopefully it will be open for general gaming on the 25th.

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