20 October 2005

making the lich lord: back to #1

the metals are brazen brass washed with watered down chestnut ink. made it look oxidized by drybrushing some jade green (finally some use after 5 years!!!!!). green parts of the armor started with catachan green then catachan green mixed with snot green, followed by snot green finally highlighted by snot green with some skull white.

for his face, i drybrushed first with bleached bone then with skull white. washed with chestnut ink exept for the teeth then i went over the raised areas with elf flesh and skull white.

his mask and the two bolts on the sides of the cowl was just mithril silver and chestnut wash.

took about 1 hour, mostly waiting for the ink to totally dry.

total time: 3 hours, 30 minutes.


  1. Lookin' good! Nice progression on the dark green and the verdigris ^^

  2. galing man! mabilis ka pa din mag pintura in ratio with how quick you've done that thing. siga man.

    that's OC painting for me. =D
